Blockchain Consulting
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Apps for Google Assistant
Real Estate Bot
A.I. for Human Resources, Compliance and Recruiting
Artificial Intelligence Course in Chennai
Hosted Resume Parser for enterprise
Product Discovery Workshop for companies
Case Study
The Jallikattu Protest
Making a progressive web app
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Blog Pages
BLOCKCHAIN 101: Is blockchain for your organisation?
How to create Custom Component in React native?
Configuring Node SDK’s Connection Profile for Multiple Channel - Multiple Chaincode
Protocol buffers may be the next data serialization game changer
Using EmoDet for Emotion Classification in Text
Is Blockchain The Future For Passwords?
Hyperledger Fabric: Transitioning from Development to Production
The ABCs of Kafka in Hyperledger Fabric
Should you ever rewrite your app from scratch?
The things Blockchain could do in the Insurance Industry
Security in Blockchain is far more important than you think
How to Build an End-to-End encryption in Hyperledger Fabric
The Ultimate Guide to Consensus in Hyperledger Fabric
Designing a new app? Do this first!
Driving the Enterprise Blockchain Adoption
Boeing invests heavily in blockchain; and what this means for aviation industry?
Setting up a Hyperledger Fabric Network with Multiple Chaincodes and Multiple Channels
Dummies Guide to Querying a Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Network with ExpressJS
Redefining The Insurance Industry With Blockchain Using Hyperledger Fabric
Know Hyperledger Fabric? Then moving to Sawtooth is easy
Gamification in Design - The Last Part
5 things you didn’t know about blockchain
An Introduction to the Genesis Block in Ethereum
Gamification in Design - Part Three
Introducing Blockchain Business Canvas. Evaluate your blockchain necessity with ease.
Beginner’s Guide to deploying your Blockchain in IBM Bluemix
How to keep your Instagram active?
Gamification in Design - Part Two
Gamification in Design - Part One
Hyperledger Fabric Transactions. What is it? And how does it happen?
Top 7 things you should know before developing on Hyperledger Fabric
Participants at Usability Tests
Flutter or React Native: A comparative study
Learning Design from the Real World
Peanut - An EDC Case Study
Introducing Experience Design Center: Here’s everything you should know about it
Setting up RESTful API Server for Hyperledger Fabric With NodeJS SDK
How are Smart Contracts Executed in Hyperledger?
Office Space and Productivity
GBUX - Make bad user experiences good and good user experiences better
Designing Chatbots: 5 things to keep in mind
Top Women in Tech Communities To Follow
Blockchain use-cases for Insurance Industry in 2018
How to teach Neural Networks to detect everyday sounds
Understanding Hyperledger Composer Query Language
Blockchain use-cases for Aviation Industry in 2018
Why are we hooked to social media?
Skcript Announces S/LAB - A nested Startup Within Skcript
Designing Human Behaviors: Part Two
Setting up your development environment for Hyperledger Fabric
A Design Language System Example Part 3 #DLS
Five ways blockchain is transforming your industry
Writing your first simple Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode in Go
Designing Human Behaviors: Part One
Lifecycle of Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode Development and Deployment
Getting smart with React Navigation
Benefits of a Design Language System Part 2 #DLS
Hyperledger Composer NodeJS SDK - Submiting Transactions
Six ways the blockchain can be an advantage for Supply Chain
Should I choose Hyperledger Sawtooth 1.0 over Fabric 1.0 for my private blockchain?
#AskSkcript: What are 'Side Chains' in Blockchain?
Rails strategy for reusing common behavior in models
Everything you need to know about Hyperledger Sawtooth 1.0
Grafana + InfluxDB setup using Docker for real-time analytics dashboard
Confessions of a Marketer
Introducing BRG, an exclusive Blockchain division at Skcript
Sketch Plugins you cannot live without
Announcing Allt for iOS. But there's a catch.
Introducing Blockchain Industry Readiness Programs (IRP)
Must have Management tools
What should go into your meeting agenda?
The perfect Design Handoff workflow for Small Businesses
What data should I store on blockchain?
Key business benefits of blockchain. AKA the business side of blockchain a CXO should know.
#AskSkcript: What is Hyperledger Iroha? Explained in simple terms.
#AskSkcript: What are the elements of a blockchain?
5 advantages of using Hyperledger Fabric for your Enterprise Blockchain
Building a Design Language System - Part 1 #DLS
CLI-PR; A simple bash script for issuing Pull Requests to Github over Command Line
#AskSkcript: What is Hyperledger's Policy Services?
6 Blockchain frameworks to build Enterprise Blockchain & how to choose them?
How not to be distracted in 2018!
Hyperledger Fabric Architecture: Explained in detail
Testing React-Native Apps with Appium - The Ultimate Guide
Designing for Goldfish
Simple Steps To Run Hyperledger Fabric Composer Network With Multiple Organization
Realtime Object and Face Detection in Android using Tensorflow Object Detection API
5 minute guide to deploying your first application using Firebase CloudStore [How-to]
Top React-Native Components (January Edition)
These large-scale apps were built using React Native.
How to build NodeJS application for your Hyperledger Composer networks
What is not blockchain. Everything you need to know.
How to know if your business needs blockchain?
Why every TensorFlow developer should know about TFRecord!
Why these industries should implement Blockchain technology today!
Hyperledger Composer’s Transaction Processor Function explained
Do you need blockchain in your supply chain?
December @Skcript
Leadership starts within and goes beyond everyone…
Setting up a Blockchain Business Network With Hyperledger Fabric & Composer Running in Multiple Physical Machine
What I will be doing in 2018
Writing your first Business Model in Hyperledger Composer
Getting Started With Hyperledger Composer
The Bot Project
Using Artificial Intelligence to improve claims processing
Here’s a very crucial thing people who build AI know, but you don’t
You need these three user roles before implementing Blockchain for your business
The ultimate inspiration hack for designers
Three questions every CEO should answer before implementing Blockchain
Five use cases of Artificial Intelligence for the next decade
The easiest configuration block for your Ruby gems
Why 90’s kids are cool
Our CTO talks at Ignite 2017
How modern mobile apps influence the human behavior
I wanted to stay lazy this week.
SiA #1: Thirupurasundari Sevvel, Architect
What 10 months at Skcript has taught me.
3 days with iOS - the Android user’s perspective
Blockchain’s User Experience
Is your Blog fully optimized for SEO?
10 security measures you need to implement in your app NOW
AI’s ROI grows with time. You just don’t realize that yet. Let’s call it ROA.
How to make sure your AI initiative succeeds in your company
Is your business ready for AI adoption?
Tailoring a Product Marketing Campaign
How to structure Firebase database for a scalable chat app
How to easily extract Text from anything using spaCy
Land the perfect landing page.
The empty state design mantra?
How to be the best host for your meeting?
This trick will make you perform async operation in Python like a pro
What you need to understand about blockchain as a CEO
A program manager’s approach to design
How blockchain can help with provenance? And what you should do about it?
Top React-Native Components (November Edition)
11 things I learned as Designer in 11 months
Banking as we know it, will be long gone before year 2037
Best Mac Apps for a Web Designer
Design should start from the top of the company
Swaathi Kakarla to be on the panel at GES 2017 in Chennai
What is Hyperledger Fabric and what you should know about it?
Announcing SAGE for Discord
The myth behind Product Marketing
What's React Native's new FlatList?
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) using Middleman
Sending push notification with Firebase, Firestore & Cloud Functions
Rethinking a TV Remote for Senior Citizens ~ Skcript Research
Firebase Social Login With React Native
How we did a major brand redesign
What makes Blockchain beneficial over other technologies?
How a one-time engineer became an all-the-time designer
Using AI to detect Facial Landmarks for improved accuracy
Steve - The simplest calendar app money can buy for iOS
Top 7 reasons why we moved from CircleCI to Netlify
A brand new promise
Kind of Apps you can build with React Native.
Here's how to send Slack notifications using Firebase Cloud Functions and FireStore
The brutally honest question every CEO must answer.
The Big ‘D’s - Design and Development
Not another iOS 11 Review
Renovating our office - S(k)cripting
Spotlight - Sameer Narkar
How we improved our React/React Native project’s performance by 250% with just a small tweak.
Are you a Designer? How building racing drones made me a better designer.
Products that run Skcript
Android O
Being an Architect made me a better UX Designer
Are you a Designer? Here’s how you can have a productive design day.
Moving our comments to discourse
The key to building a great brand - Keep it simple, silly!
Apple Music, Gaana, Wynk, Saavn, Jiomusic and Google Play Music. Which is the best Music Streaming service in India?
Send Emails with a Custom Domain Using SendGrid and Rails
i, Intern: Caroline Nivetha
There's something awesome happening on Twitter right now. And you have to see it!
We’ve hit 150 Followers!
Apache Spark - Which language to pick?
Few Hand Picked React Native plugins for your project
Cooking your App to Development
How to compile a UX Case Study
Kotlin vs. Java
New - Skcript OG Series
The Best Boilerplate for Static Site Generators
You are the master of your tool!
Go from Zero to One in Productivity
Things that could kill your outsourced IT Project
I was bored and I made a bot
Writing CNN from Scratch
The other side of empowerment
Give your startup the online presence it deserves
i, Intern: S Narayan
i, Intern: Nikhil Kasukurthi
The Novices’ Guide to Front-end Development in 2017
Adding more brains to the clan…
Announcing Skcript Events
Train your Deep Learning models on the Cloud
Meet the Nerd 2.0 - Hareessh Prabhu
AMP - Showing you the Need for Speed on your websites
Five App Store Optimization mistakes that you should avoid
Meet the Nerd 2.0 - Naveen Honest Raj
Deep Learning 101: How we design a Deep Learning Solution
Meet the Nerd 2.0 - Dikson Samuel
Announcing GitInfo - GitHub app for Google Assistant [Open Source]
Static Sites with Blogs using Middleman - Part 1
Build your own Google Assistant Bot for your Firebase project Today
Leveraging on transfer learning for image classification using Keras
Our Chief Architect talks at the JavaScript Chennai Meetup
Design 101: How Designing is like making the perfect Biriyani
Building a RESTFul API with Firebase Cloud Functions for your Firebase App
Things you should do right after you signup for a AWS Account
Advantages of Progressive Web Apps and How to build them
Creating a Project Estimator in less than 48 hours.
I think Android is now mature.
What fonts can you use in your React Native project out of the box?
The Post-it Experiment
Getting started with Product Research [101]
How we designed a perfect indoor mapping solution for malls
Download our Personas Template for your next design workshop
Why choosing CMS is not the only option to build your website
Addressing the gender pay gap at Skcript.
Announcing the De-clutter Project
Why you should run a Product Review Workshop at your company.
Announcing the Brandage Contest
Tensorflow Resources everyone should know
How to run a Product Review at your company. [Process]
Important Leadership Principles at Skcript
A.I. Series Part 1 - Normalizing Data
Awesome Design Books every designer should read.
Authenticate React Native app with YouTube and list videos.
The boring post on Project Management
How we made our website offline first
Instagram accounts every designer must follow
Open Source Gantt Chart library for D3.js
This is by far the most beautiful travel illustration by Niemann
UnderstandBetter incubates at SAP’s Startup Studio
Have you tried UnderstandBetter’s new feature yet?
How to create a landing page for your project in 30 minutes
Awesome React Native Components you should checkout this weekend
August Labs to help enterprises work at the speed of startups 🎉
5 companies from Chennai that we think are changing the game
The best Ruby on Rails Podcasts you can listen to right now.
How to run a Product Discovery Workshop at your company
Making choices...
Using Firebase Cloud functions for Sending Push Notification To React Native App.
Firebase + React Native (A Quick Start)
Our CEO explains How to Bootstrap like a Boss
Mad March Giveaway (Design)
10 ways to create a friendly employee workplace
Signs that a good employee is about to quit.
Automate your front-end development with Gulp
Home Alone - Alltered Version Part 1
Building your own recommendation engine
Skcript - All Bright And Shiny!
Running the most efficient workshop for teams.
Through the eyes of an intern.
Five talks every designer must watch.
Making Allt better one day at a time.
A list of things ‘great’ leaders says to their team.
Make continuous feedback a part of your company’s culture
Introducing Understand Better!
Skcript announces Varun Raj as the Product Owner of Pollfury
Introducing Pollfury
Redirecting Device Users To Their Last Visited Page
GitHub's amazing UX
Sr. Architect talks at Chennai's Maker Party 2016
We're hosting Chennai Ruby Meetup
5 ways to empower your team for success
Sr. Architect talks at Chennai.rb
Staying focused when working remotely
Too many people are talking
Few development tools which every college kid should know before entering into industry
Setting up Browserify and React, on Rails
Minifying the mailers.
Reducing your 'Big' Data
Best advice for young designers from Ira Glass
Offsetting Ruby Time
Five things to consider when choosing enterprise productivity applications
Skcript CTO talks at Chennai.rb
Say hello to Allt Beta
Scheduling Backup Jobs With Crontab
Useful Imagemagick Commands
Learning computer language
Understanding Flexbox in CSS
Don’t run behind customers, run behind your product
More customers we have, more trees we plant
SHRINK v40.04 (Earth Day) released with huge performance upgrades
Setting up Raspberry Pi Controlled LED in Minutes
These are the only six tools you need to run your company
Here’s why we built Allt.
File Drop-off feature now available to all our customers
SHRINK v30.01 released with New Mount Mapping System and much more
Follow these steps to run a more secure business
Don’t think. Just make.
Increase Productivity With Smart Group Commands
Enterprise Storage Problems #1: Increased Management Complexity & Decreasing Budgets
Open Sourcing our Redbook
Here’s our brand identity template. You can use it for your startup.