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Static Site Generators

We use static site generators to build websites that doesn’t need an application backend and any extra dynamic functionality can been added with a layer of Javascript.

So rather than building and maintaining a server we can use Continuous Integration with services like Netlify which allows us to deploy a static site online with just a simple push and can be set to update everytime we update the master branch on GitHub. We can rest knowing that the site that we have deployed this way is infinitely scalable and lightning fast.

And due to the popularity of JAMStack, many people now are now in favour of going static than ever before. But the most important feature is the Security this provides - going static gives you bullet-proof security and is almost impossible to hack through.

Some of our favourite Static Site Generators are,

Middleman- a Ruby-based tool that we have battle-tested in a lot of projects, including our own website.

Hugo- It is one of the most popular open-source static site generators. With its amazing speed and flexibility, Hugo makes building websites fun again.

Ready to work with us?