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Monitoring and Log Management

Monitoring and log tracking is a huge part of our quality metrics. Making sure every single server runs to its optimum level is very important. All the servers are managed by their respective stakeholders in the company, and everyone follows a set process for developing and deploying code to the servers.

We use Grafana, Netdata and ELK Stack as our tracking tools.

Our Grafana Server at our HQ will provide you with all the information that you might ever need about the server. And you have read access to all these data. Should you change anything in the dashboard, please drop a task off in DevOps Task List on Allt.

If you are setting up a brand new server, makes sure you install Netdata from Firehol and enable InfluxDB as the backend for prolonged statistics storage.

For log tracking, we use ELK stack. There’s a very extensive ELK Stack tutorial on Digitalocean which you can use to set things up.

Note: Please make sure all the traffic that is transferred between servers are encrypted and gzipped.

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