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DNS and Domains

Use GoDaddy to purchase the domain. Using Domainr to see what domains are available is a good option, but we’ve found that most of the domains are not available while trying to actually purchase it.

If there are some domains already with a different service provider, GoDaddy offers a simple way to transfer domains. Once you purchase the domains, all the NS Records are then pointed to Route 53. Use Route 53 to have complete control over the domain we’re purchasing.

We try to have our running costs low, every single month. If there’s a need for you to purchase a SSL certificate, we recommend using Let’s Encrypt. There’s a very easy guide for setting it up.

If there’s a situation where you need to go with an authorized SSL provider, we use Namecheap for that. We think Namecheap is pretty neat and their support is very good compared to other services like GoDaddy.

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